Welcome to St. Ann's Central School

Imbibing the modern thoughts and ideas of the changing world and adapting novel methods of education, St. Ann’s School takes off on its success journey, with a view of moulding up a new generation. The school strictly adhere to the CBSE Scheme and is owned by the society of St. Ann, Province of Southern India and managed by St. Ann’s Convent, Ayoor, which belongs to the Christian Minority group and therefore enjoys the rights and privileges guaranteed by the articles 29,30 (1) of the Constitution of India.The Congregation of the Sisters of St.Ann of Providence to which the Sisters belong is a Christian Religious order founded by the pious couple of Turin (Italy) CarloTancredi and Julia Falletti of Barolo in 1834. Active in the field of education throughout the world since its origin.
Our Administration

Our Vision
We, the Sisters of St. Ann of Providence in India bound by the life and vision of Jesus Christ, re dedicate ourselves with a creative fidelity towards the Education of the children and youth.. Readmore

Our Mission
We the Sisters of St. Ann of Providence are called to place our trust in God and by His Divine power, form all those under our care, into individuals of character who distinguish themselvesRead more

Our Facilities
The aim of the school is to impart quality education for the enrichment, enhancement and empowerment of the children and to help them take their right place in home, society and the state.