Sr. Annamma Mathai


Dear all,

I am really grateful to God Almighty for all His Graces and Blesssings, showers on our Institute, At. Ann’s School, Ayoor.  Education is the most important aspect of one’s life. Especially at this time, Education has a particular role in the  life of everyone. To achieve new technology and other technical process depend on Education. 

                    I could say with much Confidence that our Institute, At. Ann’s School   has  fame and name in all the levels. Not only the level of academic, but   help the students to grow  spiritually, mentally and psychologically too. Of course, children of during these years , grow in the computerised world. To understand their  needs, we  the Management and Staff really take trouble to help them out. Fro this, I sincerely, thank Rev. Sr. Anitha Joseph, principal, Sr. Juby Joseph, Vice Principal, all the teachers, non teaching staff for their tireless effort they makes day by day. I could say the students are loved and cared by everyone here. Knowing each one , and their needs the staff take lot of trouble and draw their attention to academic levels . We have secured a very good results in all the classes especially we have achieved  100 percentage results in Xth classes , every year. Yes it is the hard work of our staff  and Jon teaching staff. Now I would like to say a word of thanks for our Mother General , Mother Francesca Sarci’a and our Provincial Superior Sr. Theresa Cherian and all the sisters  especially the sisters at At. Ann’s Convent Ayoor, for their Prayerful support and Constant help, extends for the needs of our school. May God bless everyone and may He continue to shower His abundant graces on us all.